This is my first article that I have written about
anything, so I think that this might help my site with get some attention. So anyway, here it is:
I think that the Chaos Emeralds are created to keep the balance between the powers of both light and
dark so that one side wouldn't have more power than the other. I also believe they're were created
as a result of the creation of the entire universe(the Big Bang if you will). The explosion caused
some sort of reaction that created the Chaos Emeralds, bringing them into existence.
Now, if any of you have watched the anime series called "The Slayers," then you all might also heard of the Lord of Nightmares. She's the supreme being that
is above either of the Gods and Dark Lords of the Four Worlds. Now, consider this thought: why do you
all think that the Chaos Emeralds were named the way they are today? It makes perfect sense considering
what is created when you combined the powers of light and darkness together. As all of you would know, the Super Emeralds made their appearance for when the SEGA Genisis games Sonic and Knuckles and Sonic the Hedgehog 3 combined to create Sonic 3
and Knuckles. For those of you who didn't play the combined game, whenever Sonic, Tails, or Knuckles enter a special
stage in the beginning of the game, either of them is rewarded a Chaos Emerald for passing the stage. Now, at the near
end of the game for when either of them entered the Mushroom Hill Zone and entered a special stage by going through huge
special rings called Super Rings, thus allowing them to enter the Hidden Palace Zone. When in the Hidden Palace Zone,
there are seven Chaos Emeralds surrounding the Master Emerald that's in the middle. Just like the stages that are in
Sonic 3, each of the characters are given a Chaos Emerald for completing the stage. However, in this case, whenever
either Sonic, Tails, or Knuckles have entered the Hidden Palace and passed the each of the stages, every one of the Chaos
Emeralds that surround the Master Emerald become Super Emeralds. Hello everyone. I suppose you're all wondering about why I'm writing this article on why a certain SEGA game character, who is named Sonic the Hedgehog, would be considered my hero. I mean, some kids who were at the ages of eight or nine, would choose a comic book character like Batman or Superman to be their role models. Some others choose their own parents or teachers to respect or learn from because of the good things that they did for them and for others. I, who was once a child once, chose a blue hedgehog that came from a video game just to see if I could one day become as fast as he is. Well, it's ten years later. Right now, I'm in college studying and majoring in computer applications while having to write stories and articles as a hobby.
I know what you're all probably thinking. You're probably thinking that a guy like me is just some weirdo or geek for having a blue hedgehog in a video game as a hero. Well, to tell all of you the truth, I've sometimes wondered about those very same things myself. I don't know why I even chose Sonic to be my hero among all of the other make believe-heroes. All I know is that blue hedgehog saved me from drowning myself in despair while feeling like a failure at school and life.
Sonic is the reason why I made it through all the years of high school and life while I was feeling a bit down. That same blue hedgehog is the reason why I was able to make it to college. Sonic isn’t afraid to speak his mind and isn’t afraid to be himself rather than trying to be someone else. He also tries to help out others who couldn’t help themselves for when Robotnik terrorizes them. I always dream of becoming a hero just like he is because of the heroic things that he did.
Now, its almost time to get into the real world and I want everyone to know that even the smallest of amount of inspiration could help a single person get as far as I have today. Somehow I sort of feel like I’m a human version of Sonic the Hedgehog. I could run at track and field good and I sort of have a bit of an attitude. Anyway, the reason why I’m writing this to all of you people is so that you could still have hope for your own futures. No one needs to tell you or force you in order for all of you to find your rightful place on this planet.
The real reason that I’m writing this article to all of you is because I feel that my mother is forcing me to go on with my future without even thinking about what might happen or how I feel. She’s always so forceful for when it came for me to find a job. But it seems that no matter what I did for her, it doesn’t seem to be enough to please her. I always get this feeling that she was keeping something from me and I just can’t seem to figure out what. I don’t always trust the kind of advice that my mother gives me, even though that it would hurt other people. I don’t want to know if I’m going to get the one thing that I’ve wanted from my mother the most: true love and respect.
I guess that I look up to Sonic the Hedgehog is that because he respects everyone for who they are. He doesn’t care if the person he meets is a different race or culture. As long as the person he meets is pure and good of heart, he could get along with them. He also has trouble getting along with others as well as his friend Tails Miles Prower, but that doesn’t stop him from making any friends. He and I also have something else in common: we both fight and work for people whether they be gentle or mean to the person who tries to help them.
I guess what I’m trying to tell all of you is that you shouldn’t keep on looking up to people for their approval as well as your parents. Every one of you has a unique kind of gift that is meant to be shared with everyone on this planet. I’m also trying to tell you that as long as each of you have something or someone to fight and work for, then all of your dreams will come true. Don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise. But please let any good person who’s willing to help you support you on your way to make your dreams a reality. Thank you for reading and I hope that all of you have good and long lives no matter where that path that you choose takes you.
Connection to the Slayers World:
Somehow, the Chaos Emeralds must be connected to the Four Worlds. I believe that the Chaos Emeralds were created to somehow not only to
harness the chaotic energies within those worlds, but in order to keep it from growing out of control. If that
power were to causing the Chaos Energy to overflow within one of the Four Worlds could mean the destruction of
whatever world that a Chaos Emerald is used on.
The Master Emerald and The Super Emeralds:
Now here's my theory: I believe that the Super Emeralds are the evolved versions of the Chaos Emeralds. Now all of you
think about it. The Master Emerald gave portions of its great energy towards the Chaos Emeralds that surrounded it, therefore
turning them into Super Emeralds. The Super Emeralds are charged with a greater amount of Chaos Energy (as I would like to call
it) than the regular Chaos Emeralds. If anyone were to get at least one of the Super Emeralds, they would become enfused with
limitless cosmic power as much as the power of seven Chaos Emeralds would.
Date Written: 9-1-2004